Sunday, November 28, 2010


I have:
posted on my blog for each exercise
labelled each of my posts
inserted at least one image into one of my blog posts
uploaded audio and/or embedded a video
changed the colour of some part of my blog
changed the arrangement of my blog
invited 3 of your classmates to be authors on your blog (but did not recieve replies to all)
made comments on at least 2 of my classmates blogs (Michael and Joanne)
made a comment on one of Julie's posts on your blog

Investigative Exercise 10 Recommendations

The Guyra Shire Library has no 2.0 web technologies. This could be due to lack of knowledge, staffing/funding issues or eve a percieved lack of interest.

Given the library's internet usage, it is clear that not all members of the communinty have internet access. Internet usage is increasing, however, indicating a growing interest in internet technology, and schools also do provide computers and internet access.

It would be benificial for the Guyra Shire Library to be involved in social networking, as this increases their involvement in the community. Which in turn allows for the community's greater involvement in the library.

I would recommend that the library have a Facebook presence , particularly to engage the "youth" demographic as well as an RSS feed for those who are not members of Facebook. These will keep the community informed as to any library events, new titles as well as book reviews, as well as any other community events or items of interset.

A library blog would make the library more interactive and user friendy, allowing for community sugestions. People could write book reviews and share ideas. In a rural community, in particular, this would be a useful forum for people who may not be able to come together as a group to interact and possibly set up an internet bookclub.

While initially, some more stafftime/funding may be required in order to set these technologies up,there are no ongoing costs and little maintenance is required.

a good article on libraries and social networking is availe for reading here:
Link to article

Investigative Exercise 9 Evaluation

Guyra Shire Library has 1470 members, as of June 2009, one part-time librarian and two casuals. During 2008/2009 15228 books were circulated. It has internet access to its catalogue and gives members access to two databases, The State Libray of NSW Databases and Libraries Australia. Guyra Library provides an "Ask a Librarian" service and aims to supplement the local school's resources. Guyra Shire Library buys large print and audio books in conjunction, on a share basis with Armidale Library as well as one other local shire library. The Armidale Library's catalogue is available from the library's computer which implies some kind of inter-library loans system. It also holds some local historical artifacts.

The library holds "storytime" twice a week with the help of volunteers and held a summer reading club over the Christmas school holidays.

The library has two computers, both which provide word processing facilities. There are also photocoying and printing facilities. One of the two computers has internet access, available by bookings. The number of people using this internet acces is increasing and in 2008/09 2699 bookngs were made with 2847 hours were clocked up. The library has no 2.0 web technologies.

The Library is becoming increasingly busy and the limited space and stafftime is becoming an issue.

Investigative Exercise 8 Community Profiles

Guyra Shire is located in northern NSW, just north of Armidale. The Shire has two towns and four villages. Its population of 1996 is 4331, of these approximately 23% are 14 years old and younger, 17% are aged between 15 and 29, 45% between 30 and 64 and 15% of Guyra's population is over 65.

Most homes in the shire are owner occupied. The main industry of the shire is agriculture and most residents' work is located within the Guyra shire. Residents' weekly wage, on average is $213, which is 23% below that of the Australian average. The Shire's unemployment rate is high at 16.2%.

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Blog activity 7 – comment on your teachers blog

I have made a comment on the "Library ponders twitter's historical value" post.

Investigative Exercise 7 Podcasts

This podcast is from an author event at The State Library of NSW, where Kate Lllewellyn, an award winning Australian poet, reads from her memoir "The Dressmakers Daughter".
Link to podcast

Blog activity 6 – commenting on other blogs

I have made a few comments on Michael's blog and have asked to be invited to comment on other....still waiting ..busy people....aha now I have slao made some comments on Joanne's.